About the Chamber
We are here to connect the business community with new clients and guests. In short, we work for you! Your success is our success and we look forward to building new relationships with our businesses, residents, and visitors.
When you become a member with the Lake Barkely Chamber of Commerce you are joining a family. We continue to build and grow an organization that serves our membership, our residents, and the entire regional economy. Chamber membership is such a great opportunity to be involved that we have made it simple and painless to join. Just download the application and return it to us in person or by mail and you're all set. Easy peasy!

Meet Our Director
Amanda Crouch
Welcome to the Lake Barkley Region-
The Chamber of Commerce is excited to contribute to the success of this beautiful Lake Barkley region. Weather you own a business, live, work or just simply visit the area, The Lake Barkley Chamber of Commerce and it members are thrilled that you are here.
Our goal is to assist in the networking and growth of the business communities to help build strong relationships for many years to come. This is achieved through special events, trainings, programs, along with other resources.
We strive to promote the members businesses within this region while looking forward to assisting in economic growth and development. This is achieved with the excellent support from our local governments and leaders of our community.
Lyon County is home of thousands of visitors each summer. From playing a round of golf on our beautiful course, boating on the lakes, staying at one of our many campgrounds, dinning at the most delicious restaurants, listening to live music from local bands, or making a splash at the water park, we have something for everyone and love to watch our communities thrive by working together.
I am honored to be a part of this wonderful community and I am very thankful for the members that support this chamber. For those of you that
are considering this area for relocating or opening a new business, the Lake Barkley Chamber will be a great asset in supporting your future growth through the services we can provide. I look forward to what we can achieve when we all work together to support each other and provide the best for
our local businesses, residents, and guests we serve.
A native of Paris, KY, I moved to Lyon County five years ago. My husband, Jason and myself reside on our farm on beautiful Lake Barkley with our son Landon. I have served as a volunteer Firefighter for both Eddyville and Kuttawa Fire Departments. I have worked numerous emergencies along with natural disasters. I have seen and assisted the community members during difficult times. Although I will continue to serve on both Fire Departments, in my new role as Lake Barkley Chamber Executive Director, I am extremely thrilled to serve this community during the exciting times of growth and not just tragedy.
I am honored to welcome you to our beautiful slice of paradise!
Amanda Crouch
Executive Director
Meet Our Board
Our volunteer board of directors work tirelessly to keep our Chamber on the cutting edge of business and community development initiatives. We are so thankful to have an engaged and excited group of local leaders guiding us into the future.
President, John Evens
Vice President, Shannon Brotherton
Treasurer, Hannah Bowles
Fredonia Valley Bank-Community Developer / Loan Office
Secretary, Judi Stone
Retired/Former Mayor of Eddyville
Jody Higdon
Owner, Higdon Furniture
Brandon Vagts
Owner, The Health Insurance Medic & Paramedic/Supervisor Lyon County EMS
Amy Riley
Owner, Buchanon's Design
James Cahill
General Manager
Eddy Creek Marina Resort
Becky Murphy
Lyon County Deputy PVA
Michel Vagts
Physical Therapist, Director of Rehabilitation at H2 Health